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allukenn :D

Free Counter
thanks LOVE :D


soaped dishes
Sunday, October 25, 2009

I sat in the living room, facing the TV, blog-hopped, downloaded notes, drank hot tea, watched

桃花小妹... I'm bored.

Baby told me to stop reading blogs and write mine instead. I told him that nothing had happened, or rather nothing worth writing? I didnt take pictures of anything recently either.

All i remembered which happened last week was..:
1. Treating baby to udders
2. Going to ion
3. school and the funny yet boliao things which happened
4. erm.. what else happened?
5. i soaped the dishes and half way through it i didnt feel like continuing and stopping. Okay thats was stupid, i returened 30min later and continuing washing them.
6. Washed e car with baby yesterday using the fire hose. And i was so afraid that the fire alarm would ring, although it didnt.
7. erm. Seriously.. what else happened?
8. i tidyed my room which is still untidy?
9. i went on facebook everyday watching lame videos and accidentally insulted someone? i wouldnt call it insult, it was just a lame joke..zzz. then i became a routine to open happy farm and start stealing flowers.
10. oh shingz. forget it..

you took my heart away #8:29 PM

im sick ):
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Months since I last blogged and bunny had been pestering me to be like HER and update my blog.


felt kinda weird ever since i returned from china.
the change in environment and people. it kinda like waking up from a long long dream but yeah im still fat ):
baby said i changed quite alot and i think so too. and its for e worse i guess ):
became more cheena? LOLS

Havent been studying and think for quite some time, maybe my brain had 退化 gawd im becoming dumb.

Having some changes to my room to make it a conducive place to study. but....
yeah i better clear up the piles and piles of stuff back to their respective places before i even continue. I wanna make my room as conducive as baby's (w/0 him at home.LOL)

got a few study buddies.
learnt abt sheng yao's death...
updated myself my friends...
ahhhh why didnt i go JC ):

Left my job at hwachong as the semesters starting. but i've yet to write e testimonial which i've got no idea how to start with.. xinning you gotta help me!

went back to 15 to work so as to suppliment my disposal income.

met ms, xn , karm and yq after i got back from china.

did some reflections on life last night...
lots of wrong and impulse decisions made.. how i wished i can turn time back.
took so many things for granted ...
blamed myself for not putting in effort and not enforcing self control.


ahhh with my GPA of xx. i dont think i can get into local uni though i'll still give them a try. 后悔la ):

but i still gotta work hard this sem! 我不可以在对不起自己了!

NAVY scolarship? hurhurhur..zzz

ah tang~~~ where shall we go tmr?? and bunny where's my scones! change my mooncakes for scones!! scones~~~

you took my heart away #6:28 PM

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

it seems like a 6months long dream..

2 more months to the new semester, im back at hwa chong as a teacher assistant.
it's one year since the last time i came here, and as usual all my colleagues are scholarship holders :X

i was late today for the first time. retard-ly took the wrong bus.
i hate taking buses at my bus stop as it would be surely packed with students from AES and chestnut. and 2 stops later everyone would alight.zz
today i decided to take a random bus 178 (never taken it before in my entire life :X) to the AES bus stop. then 75 came so i changed to it and took to bukit timah plaza. left with only 15 minutes, i panicked and took 77, another random bus which arrived. and it took me to sixth avenue..zzzzz

already late, i strolled from 6th ave to hwachong, passing by the 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd and 1st ave. boliao..


karmmy is asking me on a date to the movies and sentosa *blushes*

im bored ):

your like a stranger to me.what happened.

looking forward to CHEAP lunch at high skool canteen (:

im being so random...

you took my heart away #9:13 AM

the day i wore qipao at work! and the annual staff outing
Thursday, May 14, 2009

my EC and i went to theANNUAL STAFF OUTING!
and everything is FOC!
preety places some where aroung mt tai!
sorry baby! she's my new love! LOL

lazy to talk abt it :X
awsome photos on FACEBOOK!

some time today, our hotel had a conference held in the meeting room and they need ushers.so..
hahaha!heng bunny didnt work today :X

sexy right ! =D
too bad im FAT ):

lots of work to do :X

you took my heart away #11:15 AM

how did allen get fat?--CAUTION: READ ONLY IF YOU HAVE NBTD
Sunday, May 10, 2009

many may wonder..
allen has been complianing about the oily and salty food everyday! And she had even been soaking them ino water to consume them. so HOW DID SHE GET FAT?

is it because of a small lollipop?

the answer is NO!
despite the cold weather ... 13.9 degrees.

allen went out into the cold only wearing her blazer and skirt... despite the waterless-tap and having to bathe in the scary public toilet..

she went out during her LONG 1.5h break to buy...
a healthy apples ( to fill her mouth and prevent her from putting other stuff in.)
and as she had 1.40rmb left on her. she bought a SNACK...OMG

just because it says theres a prize in it!

so she sat in the locker room with her trusty umbrella and ate the snack to find the prize..

and facing her locker clutered with food, clothes, bag, towels...

and only after eating... she found out .. SHE WAS CHEATED.ZZZ

but it still doesnt answer the question!
the answer to it..

=eating every where, every single second..
as long as allen is around. you can find food with her. :X
ohh thats all the food on her table :X

you took my heart away #1:30 PM


after 15 days with a contant water supply... the _ water supply is being cut off AGAIN.zzz

you took my heart away #10:46 AM

what happens when your too bored at work or stuck in a place away from home and your vain room mate had ps-ed and went out shopping for masks??

THIS is what happens.
you'll go to some random shop to buy noodles for dinner, thinking that it would be nice due to the LONG queue..
then when you start eating it. you find no beef in the beef noodles and the noodles aren't nice at all..

then you realize that the only nice thing in the bowl of noodles is the MSG filled soup. then you drink up everything...

and eat up all the veggie, leaving the noodles untouched. an hour later, you'll settle for snacks brought back from another city in the shandong province. and when you go to bed, your body would convert all the snacks to FAT...zzz
and if you are too bored at work, you'll keep eating .. sweets, haw candy, corn, chocolates, apple, lollipop..
after eating, you'll think of ways to express your boredom at the same time your artistic self.

after doing all this unsignificant stuff to spend time, you sit at your desk for hours for the time to pass. at the same time, your body digests all the junk that you have eaten and turned them into...
that's the reason why ALLEN had been gaining weight all her time in CHINA.

you took my heart away #10:27 AM

korean dinner!
Friday, May 8, 2009

Some time ago, bunny and I helped 莫总with some translation for the monthly and third anniversry digest for the hotel.

In order to express his thanks, he treated us to a korean dinner at ah li lang.

others who are there include bessie, angela and sun li =D

as usual, im sitting in the sales office reading news, blogging and updating face book :X

you took my heart away #10:06 AM

Cherry garden!
Thursday, May 7, 2009

on the 6th of may, bunny and I with 7 other front office colleauges went the cherry garden!

5rmb for cherry buffet! a super fun and tedious journey plucking and eating cherries and climing up a part of mt tai to view the dam!

cutie porkypine! LOL

soaked our feets at the base of the man-made waterfall aka dam!
baby i can totally explain this! im so gonna repeat it before you totally kill me!
the rocks is slippery due to the micro orgamisms growing on it!

lunch in the mountains! chicken, pork, leek pau,deep fried prawns,salted eggs, wild vegetables, fruit juices and tea!

monkey mountain!

my ec! haha

monkey wannabe

more pictures on face book!

you took my heart away #11:51 AM

sales department!
Monday, May 4, 2009

first day at sales!

zilian till i shuang first! LOL

last day at four seasons!

peanut crisp! hua shen su! nice wor!
thousand layer pastries- qian ceng su!


you took my heart away #2:14 PM

εїз myLOVE


sorry but their identity can't be revealed :X

你 Ni (吉他甜蜜版 Qi Ta Tian Mi Ban) - 林依晨 Ling Yi Cheng (FULL CD VERSION!!) - 林依晨 Ling Yi Cheng